Photo by Sarah Reid (flickr cc)I love this time of year, not just for the break in 100+ heat, but because it signals the return of favorite shows and the start of new shows. (Though I will mourn the end of Big Brother summer deeply.)
And in the past, I used to look forward to finding those new TV shows that were going to grab me and keep me. Those shows that were going to become part of my weekly routine for years to come. Remember those? For me, it's shows like Friends, Dawson's Creek, Seinfeld, The Office, Lost... Shows that I can look back and remember the time in my life that they provided the background too. For instance, Dawson's Creek reminds me of making french bread pizza with my college roommates and all of us sitting on the floor to watch a new episode.
But in the past few years, I've started to grow wary of starting new TV show relationships. Besides True Blood and How I Met Your Mother, I haven't committed to anything non-reality show. And this is sad.
BUT, the reason why I've grown so gun shy is because it seems like networks give absolutely no time for a show to catch on anymore. You start watching something, get hooked on the damn thing and then 4-5 episodes in, it disappears forever. Not. Cool.
So I've taken to letting shows run for a while with the intention of going back and catching up if it sticks around. Of course, this usually results in whole seasons of shows on my DVR (hello, American Horror Story) and then I feel overwhelmed at the prospect of tackling it and never get to it. This also means I've missed out on some shows I know I'd like because I'm so behind now--Fringe, Modern Family, Bones. I still want to get some of those on DVD, but it's trying to find the time. It's a bad cycle.
But like a girl who still goes back to the bar after too many failed dates, I'm probably going to give a few shows this season a try.
Here are some that I'm tempted to try. You can click on the poster to find out more about each show.
Elementary (CBS)
A modern day take on Sherlock Holmes, that's a high concept I can't look away from.
The Mindy Project (Fox)
I loved Mindy Kaling on The Office so I have high hopes for this one.
Revolution (NBC)
A world without electricity. They have advertised the crap out of this one--which is usually a BIG sign that the show is going to end after a few episodes. Seriously, it seems the ones with the biggest budget and advertising campaign get slashed first. But I like the idea of it and I'm always in search for something to fill the hole that Lost left.
666 Park Avenue (ABC)
An apartment building where everyone made deals with the devil? This could either go very wrong or very right.
Chicago Fire (NBC)
TV Guide promises lots of shirtless firefighters, so yanno, I'm compelled.
Go On (NBC)
This is simply because I love Matthew Perry and am pulling for him to find something that works post-Friends
Nashville (ABC)
I'm a sucker for shows that involve music, but we'll see...
Partners (CBS)
This one is from the people who brought us Will & Grace, so may be worth checking out.
Beauty and the Beast (CW)
Okay, so I never watched that show in the 80s and wouldn't have much interest now, but it's on the CW and that station has a talent for doing shows that hold my interest.
Underemployed (MTV)
This follows a group of friends one year out from college graduation when their big time post-graduation dreams haven't gone the way they'd hoped. I saw the preview of this one and it looks like it could be funny.
All right, so those are the ones that caught my eye. Which new shows are you looking forward to this season? Are you gun shy about starting and getting attached to new shows like me? What shows have played background to different times in your life?
*All TV posters from except for the last which was from Click on each poster and it will lead you to the source.