I ♥ Free: Writing Workshops From the Pros



So if the Romance Writers of America didn't rock enough already, I found out recently that they offer most of the worksheets from their last two years of conferences for download--FREE (in case you didn't catch on to that part from the obnoxious picture above).
The worksheets are chock full of information on such helpful topics as:
All Kinds of Alphas
What differentiates YA from adult fiction
Creating 3-D characters
Mastering POV and tense
Research and Development for the Paranormal World
The 15-minute synopsis
The Critique Relationship
Writing Dark Love Stories
The list continues on. Then, as if those weren't enough, they have the 2008 worksheets available as well. The topics, although related to romance, would be helpful for any writer, especially if you have any romantic elements in your story.
Check them out here:
If you have money to burn (shyeah, like any of us do), they also offer the audio recordings of all the workshops for $129--technically a deal considering how much it would have cost to actually attend the conference.
Let me know what you think of the offerings. Enjoy!