Must-Read Monday: Another Screenwriting Gem For Writers

Typically, I reserve Must-Read Monday for fiction and non-writing related books. However, I'm making an exception today because this one is so darn good.

If you've followed me for a while, you know I'm a big fan of writing craft books. And in particular, I'm in love with books on screenwriting because I find that those techniques have clicked with my pantser brain more than anything else. I'm practically religious about Save the Cat. So anytime, I pick up a new screenwriting book, I'm hopeful, but usually am not expecting to find anything as helpful as Cat.

Well, weekend before last, I attended DFW Con both to teach and go to classes. And one of the classes I attended was Screenwriting for Writers by Lou Anders. It was definitely the most helpful class I attended all weekend. And one of the books the presentation was based on was My Story Can Beat Up Your Story by Jeffrey Alan Schechter.

I came home and immediately ordered the book and gobbled it up in a few days. It's one of those books that has so many great nuggets of information that I feel like I can't hold it all in my head at once. I'm now going back through it and making notes and worksheets from the information so that I can add it to my pre-writing routine. (This is the point where I delude myself into thinking I'll one day be able to plot before I write the book.) But whether you're a pantser like me or a seasoned plotter, I think this book has a lot to offer. And reviews seem to back me up. Out of 55 reviews, 51 are 5-stars and 4 are 4-stars. That's impressive.

AND it's on Kindle right now for a mere $3.03 (for some reason, it's not available in Nook - boo). I bought it in print because I prefer my craft books in paper so that I can flip through and reference easily, so that's a bit pricier at $15.45 but still well worth it.

And if you want to read about my other must-have writing craft books, I list my faves here.

Has anyone else read this one? Anyone else a sucker for a good screenwriting book? What's your favorite book on craft?