It's Beta Club Thursday! On today's agenda: Contemporary Romance. My personal favorite.
I hope that you will take the time to read through the excerpt and provide the author with feedback. I've noticed on my stats that Beta club days are getting a lot of hits, but not so many comments. Some people have expressed that they are a bit reluctant to give feedback or feel they have nothing to add. Don't be scared! The authors are posting here because they want to know what people think. Also, everyone has something to add, even if it's "really enjoyed this." When you're putting yourself out there, even those little comments help. :)
Plus, my critique is just one opinion. I don't want anyone to feel like if they disagree with my crit that they shouldn't feel comfortable saying so. If you think I'm off base on something, share that. The author needs to hear all the perspectives.
Okay, *steps off soapbox*, with that being said, I do want to thank everyone who stops by and participates. Now on to the excerpt...
For newbies: If you haven't been here on beta club day yet, don't be afraid to jump in with your comments. All feedback is welcome as long as it's constructive. And if anyone has an itch to be critiqued, the rules for submitting to the Beta Club are under the "Free Critiques" heading at the top of the page.
Alright, please read through the author's excerpt, then provide your feedback in the comments. My detailed critique is below.
Author: Anne Gallagher (go visit her at Piedmont Writer)
Title: Remembering You
Genre: Contemporary Romance