Evan took a deep breath—as if that would do a damn bit of good—and nodded at Andre. “Sure. Come on in.”
He flashed an easy smile and grabbed the tray of sandwiches off the lounge chair and set it on the side of the hot tub. “Start eating, bella. I have a feeling Jace has big plans for you, and he won’t put up with you skipping meals. Don’t want you passing out.”
Something about the way he said bella—bey-yah—made her all fluttery inside. Like her female genes were wired to be a sucker for the way that spice-laced accent rolled off his tongue. Made her want to find out if those lips tasted as good as his words.
She reached over and grabbed one of the sandwiches to give her shaky hands something to do. Her normally voracious appetite had been non-existent all day, but after round one with Jace, she was already feeling a little weak. Sustenance wasn’t optional. She bit into the sandwich right as Andre peeled off his t-shirt.
Bad idea. She nearly choked on the first bite.
Hot damn, he was beautiful—hard, well-honed muscles, naturally tan skin, and a faint trail of black hair tracking from his navel down. Her gaze traveled up his torso and paused at silver glinting in the moonlight. Nipple rings. She’d almost forgotten that sexy little detail from the night in South Padre. There was something so darkly enticing about that kind of piercing on a man. A blatant, unapologetic pronouncement of sexuality.
She bit her lip, wondering what it would be like to run her tongue over one of the rings, to tug it with her teeth. She shoved another bite of sandwich into her mouth before she did something stupid. Like gave Andre permission to do whatever the hell he wanted to her.
He hooked his thumbs in the waistband of his shorts and then glanced down at her. She must’ve looked like a deer in headlights—she certainly felt like one. He chuckled. “Sorry. Habit. I’ll keep these on.”
She didn’t know if she was relieved by his decision or damn disappointed. God, what the hell was wrong with her? She already had an equally potent man to herself for the weekend. How could she even be tempted to want more than that? She barely knew if she could handle Jace without melting into a puddle of uselessness.
Andre straddled the side of the tub and then slid into the water, taking a seat on the opposite side from her. “Ahh, that’s nice.”
Hell yes it was. She was suddenly very happy for the water concealing her body because she was certain her nipples had hardened as soon as he’d gotten near. Ugh. This had to be a side effect of long-term abstinence.
He stretched his arms out along the edge of the tub and sank lower, letting his head rest against the side, but keeping his eyes on her. “Relax, Evan. Jace wasn’t kidding. I’m not going to make a move on you.”
Unless she asked. He didn’t say it, but the rest of the sentence hung in the steam-filled air between them. She set her sandwich down.