I'm on my way to RWA Nationals today (yay!) where I'm up for a RITA award (double yay!) AND I finally finished my draft of Kade's story NEED YOU TONIGHT (*rolls around in confetti*). Let's just not talk about last week when I wrote 30k words. I think I'm still recovering my brain cells because most of them melted. But I didn't want to forget to remind you that Part 6 of my e-serial, NOT UNTIL YOU SURRENDER, is out today!!!

We're almost to the end of this journey (so those waiting to read them all at once only have two more weeks to wait, lol.) And I wanted to thank everyone who's posted reviews or spread the word so far. *hugs* I'd love to have more of that help this week since I won't be able to get near my computer very much. So if you feel so inclined, I'd love for you to tweet about the release or leave a review on Goodreads or the retails sites. Those things are huge helps.

And I hope you enjoy this segment! (Be prepared though, the black moment is nigh. *hands over wine and chocolate*)