Book Addiction Admissions: What I Bought This Week

I know this will come as a shocking surprise to you, but I have a bit of a problem when it comes to controlling my book buying impulses. I regularly inform hubs that it's a cheaper habit than loving shoes, handbags, or plastic surgery so he should be thankful.

But I thought it'd been fun to occasionally let you know what I've been clicking buy on. I talk about what I read and love on Must Read Mondays, so this won't be about books I've read but about books I've bought and added to my TBR pile.

Here goes:

The Haunting Season by Michelle Muto

Why: Because it's a Daily Deal and I can't resist a sale or a creepy-sounding book


First Grave on the Right by Darynda Jones

 (Paranormal/Urban Fantasy)

Why: I've heard nothing but good things about this series. The first page hooked me. I met Darynda last year at RWA and she was lovely. And it was on sale.


The Submission Gift by Solace Ames

 (Erotic Romance)

Why: I think I saw this one reviewed somewhere, maybe RT magazine? And I love a story with a married couple because there aren't a lot out there in romancelandia. (Which is also why I wrote one with Still Into You)


Foreplay by Sophie Jordan

(New Adult)

Why: I went to Sophie's workshop at a conference this past weekend and then got to chat with her at dinner that night. I was intrigued by the premise of this one. 


Still Life With Strings by L.H. Cosway

Why: I liked her book Painted Faces and I saw a good review for this one on a book blog.


Control by Charlotte Stein

(Erotic Romance)

Why: I've been on a Charlotte Stein kick lately. 


Sweet Disorder by Rose Lerner

(Historical Romance)

Why: I saw a few book bloggers chatting about this one on Twitter and the blurb caught my eye.


Third Degree by Julie Cross

New Adult

Why: I heart Julie's writing. I got to read this one early for a cover quote but I bought it because I know it was tweaked afterward and I want to read the final version.


Write Your Novel From the Middle by James Scott Bell

(Writing Craft)

Why: I pretty much love everything James Scott Bell has to say about writing, so I needed this one, too.


So that's my haul for the week. What did you buy?