Book Binging: What I've Bought Lately

I'm just getting back from a week in New Orleans visiting my fam and eating more than any one person should. I'm behind on just about everything now, but I thought I'd pop in and share what I've added to my TBR stack in the past few weeks. 

You can click on the cover for more info.

Full Dark No Stars by Stephen King

(because King knows how to write a short story)


To All the Boys I've Loved Before by Jenny Han

(caught this on sale I believe, but like the concept)



The Distance Between Us by Kasie West

(love this cover and saw book recommended somewhere)


Contemporary Male/Male Romance Boxed Set

(A boxed set of m/m romance from authors I've heard of? Yes, please.)


The Luckiest Lady in London by Sherry Thomas

(Sherry is an agency mate and I've heard wonderful things about her books. On sale for 1.99 right now.)


You Make Me by Erin McCarthy (free)

(I rarely download free books anymore b/c I've been burned but saw this one recommended somewhere.)


The Governess Affair by Courtney Milan (free)

(Courtney is also an agency mate and I always hear great things about her books.)


The Summer I Turned Pretty by Jenny Han

(Was on sale and I've almost bought this one a few times, so took the plunge.)


Seed by Ania Ahlborn

(I love a scary story and this was on sale and had good reviews.)


Beyond Control by Kit Rocha (sale 99 cents)

(Read the first one and liked it. Very filthy--and I mean that as a compliment, lol.)


If You Could Be Mine by Sara Farizan

(Two girls in love in Iran? That premise sounded too different and interesting to pass up.)


Have Mercy by Shelley Ann Clark

(I believe I saw this one reviewed at Dear Author. Femdom heroine is what caught my eye.)


As Red As Blood by Salla Simukka

(This is part of the July Kindle First program, so it looked most interesting of the four choices.)


The Journal of Best Practices by David Finch

(My son is on the autism spectrum, so I'm always interested in memoirs by people on the spectrum.)


One Man Guy by Michael Barakiva

(Male/Male YA - I couldn't resist.)


What I'm Reading Right Now:

Things I Can't Forget by Miranda Kenneally

(The first in this series, Catching Jordan, is on sale right now for 1.99 if you want to start from the beginning. Full disclosure: Miranda is an agency mate of mine, but I love her books.)


What I Just Finished:

Sea Swept by Nora Roberts

(My first Nora! Enjoyed it and am looking forward to the next in the series.)


So what have you bought lately? What are you reading? Which books are you telling your friends about?

Book Addiction Admissions: What I Bought This Week

I know this will come as a shocking surprise to you, but I have a bit of a problem when it comes to controlling my book buying impulses. I regularly inform hubs that it's a cheaper habit than loving shoes, handbags, or plastic surgery so he should be thankful.

But I thought it'd been fun to occasionally let you know what I've been clicking buy on. I talk about what I read and love on Must Read Mondays, so this won't be about books I've read but about books I've bought and added to my TBR pile.

Here goes:

The Haunting Season by Michelle Muto

Why: Because it's a Daily Deal and I can't resist a sale or a creepy-sounding book


First Grave on the Right by Darynda Jones

 (Paranormal/Urban Fantasy)

Why: I've heard nothing but good things about this series. The first page hooked me. I met Darynda last year at RWA and she was lovely. And it was on sale.


The Submission Gift by Solace Ames

 (Erotic Romance)

Why: I think I saw this one reviewed somewhere, maybe RT magazine? And I love a story with a married couple because there aren't a lot out there in romancelandia. (Which is also why I wrote one with Still Into You)


Foreplay by Sophie Jordan

(New Adult)

Why: I went to Sophie's workshop at a conference this past weekend and then got to chat with her at dinner that night. I was intrigued by the premise of this one. 


Still Life With Strings by L.H. Cosway

Why: I liked her book Painted Faces and I saw a good review for this one on a book blog.


Control by Charlotte Stein

(Erotic Romance)

Why: I've been on a Charlotte Stein kick lately. 


Sweet Disorder by Rose Lerner

(Historical Romance)

Why: I saw a few book bloggers chatting about this one on Twitter and the blurb caught my eye.


Third Degree by Julie Cross

New Adult

Why: I heart Julie's writing. I got to read this one early for a cover quote but I bought it because I know it was tweaked afterward and I want to read the final version.


Write Your Novel From the Middle by James Scott Bell

(Writing Craft)

Why: I pretty much love everything James Scott Bell has to say about writing, so I needed this one, too.


So that's my haul for the week. What did you buy?


Fill Your Shelves for Fall Book Giveaway (Day 4) - Thirteen YA Romances!

If you missed it earlier this week, I'm doing a huge giveaway of over FIFTY romances this week. Each day I'm featuring a different subgenre. We've already covered contemporary, paranormal, and erotic, and there's still time to enter those as well. But today is the day for Young Adult Romance!

Today we have two prize packs:

Prize Pack #1:

AND (if you're over 18, you also get...)

To Enter: You MUST fill out the Rafflecopter form below. Simply leaving a comment will not enter you for the contest. Contest ends Friday Sept. 20. Winner will be chosen and notified the following week.

Note: Contest for U.S. and Canada Only. Some books in the prizes packs are used. Signed books (besides Caught Up In You) are signed To Roni since these are books from my personal library and were not donated by the author. 

a Rafflecopter giveaway


YA Prize Pack #2:

PLUS a signed copy of CAUGHT UP IN YOU (if you're over 18 years old)

To Enter: You MUST fill out the Rafflecopter form below (you can enter both giveaways but miss fill out both forms). Simply leaving a comment will not enter you for the contest. Contest ends Friday Sept. 20. Winner will be chosen and notified the following week.

Note: Contest for U.S. and Canada Only. Some books in the prizes packs are used. Signed books (besides Caught Up In You) are signed To Roni since these are books from my personal library and were not donated by the author. 

a Rafflecopter giveaway



*You can enter as many of this week's contests as you would like. You're not limited to only entering one. So be sure to stop by throughout the week. :)


  • Monday: Contemporary Romance
  • Tuesday: Paranormal Romance
  • Wednesday: Erotic Romance
  • Thurday: Young Adult
  • Friday: Historical Romance and A Mixed Genre Grab Bag

Book Sales: What I've Bought & Why I Can't Resist

If you know me, you know that I'm not a shopper. Shopping for clothes? Meh. Shopping for shoes? Ick. Shopping for furniture? Shoot me. I do enjoy the gourmet grocery store or a trip to IKEA, but that's about it.

Then there are books...

That's a whole other story. 

There's not much I enjoy more than browsing books--both in bookstores and online. There's such possibility. Where am I going to find that next story that sweeps me away or shocks me or keeps me up at night?

And even more irresistible than a regular book is a book ON SALE. Gah. Might as well wave cupcakes in front of me and ask me not to bite. Surprisingly, I'm not attracted to FREE! because I've been burned there and usually question the quality. The only time I download a free read is if it's from a trusted author or publisher or I've gotten a rec from a friend. But that low sale price? Yeah, that gets me.

I'm still selective in which I choose usually. I have so much in my TBR pile already that I want to make sure it's something I will truly read. But if I've heard good things about the book, hear a rec, or the book has great reviews from trusted sources, then I'm usually buying. (And if it's YA or NA, I'm emailing Julie Cross with--"have you read this? Should I get it?" Because she's usually ahead of me on her reading.)

And I've already told you about my discovery at the used bookstore of boxes of romances that sell for $15 (above) for 44 books. Hubs bought me a couple of those. I mean, how could I turn away from that?

Even though I know I'm short on reading time, I can't seem to turn away from a story that sounds interesting. It's like I'm afraid that one day I'll run out of stories to read. If I didn't have an e-reader, I'd probably look like an episode of hoarders, lol. But I guess one can have worse addictions. (At least that's what I tell myself and hubs.)

Plus, the Daily Deals are particularly enticing because you know that the next day that 1.99 sale is going to jump back to 7.99-9.99 so you need to act now. Yeah, I know, that's the point. But clearly, the method works on me.

If you want to keep up with Daily Deals, you can sign up for the Kindle Daily Deal email (and I'm assuming Nook has something similar). You can also follow Dear Author's Daily Deal posts (I like hers because she often gives commentary on the choices that either sells me on it or steers me away), and Smart Bitches, Trashy Books features romance deals regularly too.

Here's what I've bought on sale recently (and haven't read yet)--note that all of these aren't necessarily still on sale. Click covers for more info on the book.

Anna and the French Kiss by Stephanie Perkins

Have heard really good things about this one, so it was a no-brainer buy.



Painted Faces by L.H. Cosway

Saw this one on Dear Author with a rec. I have to say I'm really intrigued at the idea of an alpha male hero who dresses in drag. Not something I'd normally think would work, but I've heard from multiple sources that it's a great book.



The Vincent Boys by Abbi Glines

There's a lot of buzz in the New Adult world about this author and lots of strong reviews on this book, so I figured I'd check it out.



Austenland by Shannon Hale

Saw this one on Smart Bitches when there was a sale on all things Austen. I recently watched Pride & Prejudice for the first time (the mini-series) and have been watching the first season of Downton Abbey, so I guess I'm just in the mood for something Austen related.



The Statistical Probability of Love at First Sight by Jennifer E. Smith

This is one I emailed Julie about. She gave me the thumbs up. Plus, what a cute cover and title. :)



Midnight Man by Lisa Marie Rice

A strong rec on Dear Author had be buying this one.



If I Stay by Gayle Forman

Have heard lots of good things about this one, though I've been warned that I need to be prepared to buy the sequel after finishing this one.



The Black Lyon by Jude Deveraux

I'm making a point to read some old school 80s/90s romances which is part of the reason I'm happy I got those boxes at the used bookstore.



Dreamland by Sarah Dessen

Have heard good things about the author and the blurb intrigued me.



The Center of Everything by Laura Moriarty

This was totally a "back cover sounds interesting" buy. I may have checked reviews on Goodreads first, too.



The Winter Sea by Susanna Kearsley

Good reviews out there on this one and I love a good time travel story.



Odd Thomas by Dean Koontz

I used to read Dean Koontz and I know this is the start to one of his biggest series, so I grabbed it.


As you can see, sales help nudge me into purchasing things outside my normal authors and genres. I love that. I don't need to wait for sales to buy my favorite authors or to buy an erotic romance. I buy those when they come out. But the sales on other stuff helps fill in the gaps with new, outside my genre stuff. Win-win.

So what about you? Do you have trouble resisting a book sale? How do you decide what to buy if it's not an auto-buy author for you?

**I'm not sure why some browsers are not showing the book covers. I've checked it on both my computer and phone and they're showing on my end. Seems like half of you can see them and others can't. I've gone back and added the titles with links in case you can't see the covers. Sorry! Not sure what the issue is.