Is it Wednesday already? This week is flying by. I've been keeping so busy that the days have gone by quickly. I spent the week in edits. I rewrote half a chapter that wasn't fitting with my character and feel good about the changes. This leaves me two chapters away from finishing the first edit of my romance. Woo-hoo!
After that, I will wait on the rest of the critiques from my crit buddies. The feedback I've received so far has been super encouraging, so I'm taking a big sigh of relief that others are liking my story. I never know until I put it out there if people are going to enjoy it and "get" my sense of humor or be like--what is up with this chick? Does she think she's funny? And then there are the love scenes. I'm not sure I'd be able to survive an in person critique group. I blush just uploading the steamy files to the online group, lol.
Also, on the progress front, I have tackled the dreaded query letter. After quivering in fear for two weeks, I decided to face it head on this weekend. After many days of writing, rewriting, and leaning on my crit group for advice, I think I'm just about there. A few words tweaked here and there and I think I'm good to go. *breaks into the Carlton*
Okay, I feel better.
By the way, I highly recommend having others look at your query letter before you send it out. My final version is so much better than the version I started with on my own. If you don't have crit buddies/beta readers, at least post it on the public query slushpile to get some outside opinions.
Now, I'll have to move on to my next favorite part of the process--the (dun, dun , dun) synopsis. Hopefully by next WIP Wednesday, I'll have finished that as well.
So how is your WIP looking? Do you let others crit your query letter? Any synopsis advice for me? And is anyone else blushing at submitting love scenes to their beta readers?
**Today's Theme Song**
"With A Little Help From My Friends" - Joe Cocker
(player in sidebar--go ahead, take a listen)